Wednesday, November 17, 2010


还有一星期Kaplan Qbank时间就要结束了。做了快2个月的题,有点儿倦了。

还是有点提高的。后面还要做3个月的UW呢,还有NBME 6 个Forms,一大堆的题目。


ECFMG 寄到医学院验证学位的327a表范例

ECFMG 寄到医学院验证学位的327a表范例

2010-10-06 22:16
    这是MITBBS 上的stardust贴出来的。各位同学到学校取327a表寄的时候对照一下说明看学校是否都办齐了。不要以为学校的老师办的多了就不会有问题,有时难免会有疏忽的,自己检查一下再装信封是最好的。主要就是327a表,学位证以及成绩单都要学校盖章签名。如果发现那个文件缺盖章或者签名都要及时反映给办理的老师。我的327a表,第1次学校老师说办好了可以取的时候实际上就没办好,学位证成绩单上都没盖章,成绩单还不是用的最新的格式办的。
    1. Cover letter

2. Form 327 a page 1

3. Form 327 a page 2 

4. Forma 327 a page 3



2010-10-02 01:50
  9月中终于把书都看了一遍。虽然解剖和生理是很早以前看的(真的是很早之前哦,都有2,3 年了),但是看完RRP后已经看不下书了。先做了一些KAPLAN QBANK的free sample questions (在iTouch上下载的),非常受打击。
  之后就想着做一NBME FORM看看自己看书的成效,做的是Form 1的下载版,结果正确率居然也快要到
70%了。虽然有些题看了完全不知道是什么东西,但是大部分貌似比较简单。呵呵,做form 1看来是最能鼓舞信心的,因为最简单。  微笑 
据说form 6, 7都比较难,但是最接近真实的考试。 做倒是很快,做完了找解释,答案才费神,有些网上的所谓‘正确’答案还是错的。麻烦,以后还是花钱做网上的,据说extended version的会告诉你那些题做对了,这样就不用那么费神去猜测那个才是正确答案了。 
开始做Kaplan Qbank了,做了几个BLOCK, 成绩很稳定,但是都才50%正确率。   郁闷  最邪门的是每个BLOCK都会碰到 ADPKD。
不过也还好了,做题的时候知道自己还是进步了的。一边做题一边对着FA看,做完应该可以看完一遍FA 了。然后再做UW Qbank,中间穿插做几套NBME forms.希望明年2-3月能去考了。  偷笑

Competition increase in US residency match (ZT)

Competition increase in US residency match (ZT)

2010-09-06 03:10
From MITBBS   

 发信人: ericusa (eric), 信区: MedicalCareer
标  题: Competition increase in US residency match
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Sep  5 11:51:58 2010, 美东)

OK, we move the discussion to a new thread.

The trend already started a few years ago. It's expected more than 20,000 
AMG+DO students will participate in NRMP Match this year.


2010 16,427 2,965 19,392
2009 16,008 2,875 18,883
2008 15,692 2,711 18,403
2007 15,667 2,398 18,065

【 在 nn928 (baoma) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这个在官网上是有的, 但这批人要四年后才毕业.
: 总的趋势是ECFMG关门。
 发信人: ericusa (eric), 信区: MedicalCareer
标  题: Re: Competition increase in US residency match
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Sep  5 11:52:30 2010, 美东)

There was a bill for residency cap removal/position increase (about 3500 a 
year). But the bill never came out from the committee simply because US
government has no money for this now.

Currently the total number of first-year residency spots is about 24,000.
The number registered for the 2010 Match was 37,556.

【 在 triathlon (三湘四水春暖花开) 的大作中提到: 】
: Is it possible that residency positions will increase to some extent for 
the reason of health care reform?

发信人: ericusa (eric), 信区: MedicalCareer
标  题: Re: Competition increase in US residency match
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Sep  5 11:53:01 2010, 美东)

By nn928

Yes, this gradually increased from 2002, and the number of AMG will be
sufficient to fill all residency position
by year of 2016 ior 2017.

So ECFMG will close.

possibly, just some AMGs will find residency position in future.
 发信人: ericusa (eric), 信区: MedicalCareer
标  题: Re: Competition increase in US residency match
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Sep  5 11:55:06 2010, 美东)

AMG,DO,AMG+DO for 2010 NRMP Match
16,427 2,965 19,392

【 在 nn928 (baoma) 的大作中提到: 】
Do you know how many of the 37,556 are AMGs?
 发信人: xiaoruilan (wannagainweight), 信区: MedicalCareer
标  题: Re: Competition increase in US residency match
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Sep  5 12:07:23 2010, 美东)

Thank you for the information regarding this sharp increase of AMG this year
. It is absolutely shocking to me.I have not realized this toughness of 
situation in 2011 match.

What is the cause of this significant shooting up of AMG? 

What can we do in this situation? Because there will be only roughly 4000 
total positions for all FMG in all specialties.
发信人: ericusa (eric), 信区: MedicalCareer
标  题: Re: Competition increase in US residency match
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Sep  5 12:20:55 2010, 美东)

The official stand of AAMC is to produce enough physicians by US medical 
schools. US medical schools and DO schools gradually increase enrollment, 
and some new schools were opened or planned to open. 

For CMGs:
1) Act fast - don't wait several years to complete USMLE exams;
2) Set a realistic goal - aiming for some good specialties but also have a 
backup plan. IM is still the best bid for many;
3) Well prepared - try to improve your credential and build up connections;
4) Apply broadly and go to as many interviews as you can.
发信人: ericusa (eric), 信区: MedicalCareer
标  题: Re: Competition increase in US residency match
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Sep  5 12:23:43 2010, 美东)

Doctor of Osteopathic (Graduates of Osteopathic Medical Schools)

【 在 nn928 (baoma) 的大作中提到: 】
: BTW,  Eric, What does DO mean?
发信人: ericusa (eric), 信区: MedicalCareer
标  题: Re: Competition increase in US residency match
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Sep  5 12:31:53 2010, 美东)

They have their own match programs but the number of positions is not enough
. Some of them also take USMLE exams. 2,965 of them participated in NRMP 
Match in 2010. Yes they can apply for any specialties, just like MD students.

【 在 nn928 (baoma) 的大作中提到: 】
: DOs can't apply IM or Path, right.
: Or they can also apply for everything?
发信人: lingzMainz (lingzMainz), 信区: MedicalCareer
标  题: Re: Competition increase in US residency match
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Sep  5 14:53:56 2010, 美东)

During my OB, I have worked with some very exellent and aggrasive DO.s. The 
resident I shadowed is also a DO. too. 
I am scared by this thread. What can we do?Look for back up plan ACAP in 
case not matched?

step 1 报名经过,有点啰嗦

step 1 报名经过,有点啰嗦

2010-08-25 02:18
人说报名弄了很长时间的,也很怕要折腾个半年才能搞定。(最主要是给李旸同学的经历吓倒了。 微笑 )


7月初申请了IWA ID, 拿到ID, PASSWORD 后上去改了PASSWORD,然后开始填step 1 
application, 填到clinical clerkship的时候犯难了,时间太长很多东西记不太清了
拿到翻译的证书后正式网上填申请,7月17日晚上申请的,7月19日到到UPS store找 
notary service 签名盖章186表上半部分,自己在notary面前签名,然后到邮局寄特快回去给
          2。 186表一份
          3。187 表一份
          4。 344 表 一份
          5。345 表 两份
          6。 相片两张。一张贴186表,一张放信封内。
(相片是自己拍的。本来让LD帮我拍,结果他拍的都不太好,后来他又老没时间。于是自己拿了三角架,把相机设成自动连拍10下,拍了几个10张后选了一张。 上传到, 按照网站的提示一步步操作,最后生成符合美国护照要求的相片,5张护照相片在一张4R大小的相片上,选下载相片,然后到target晒的相片。选的是马上取的照片, 只晒了一张4R的,自己拿回来剪出2张用,还剩3张。相片费用:大约2毛钱, 网上生成护照相片是免费的。Tips: 照相前最好看一下epassportphoto的照相要求。)
材料是交给教务处的青老师,青老师很熟悉ECFMG 的要求,我是让我父亲把所有表和证
义寄的信。 8月3日寄出的,8月11日收到ECFMG的EMAIL说8月9日收到材料了,要

8月24日,收到ECFMG两封EMAIL,一个说Your Certification of Identification Form
submitted 07/17/2010 has been accepted.  
另一封说:The processing of your USMLE Step 1 application is complete. 



Step 1 application completed

Step 1 application completed

2010-08-25 00:02
    今天早上收到ECFMG发两封信。第1封信说,Dear Doctor, Your Certification of Identification Form submitted 07/17/2010 has been accepted.  This form will remain on file and be valid for a period of five years.  The validity dates are as follows:  08/24/2010 through 08/24/2015.
第2封信说,Dear Doctor: The processing of your USMLE Step 1 application is complete. You have been registered for the October 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010 eligibility period in the United States and Canada testing region。



2010-08-22 22:26
    我所住的地方附近就有2家county library,最近的一家开车10分钟就到了,当地居民凭驾照办借书证是免费的,我所在的county就有20个这样的图书馆(county相当于中国的县吧)。经常去那里借书,主要是借小朋友的书多,自己偶尔也借些小说或其他杂书看看。图书馆分少儿部和成人部。书架周围一般都有书桌或沙发椅,供借书的人就近拿了书看。少儿部每周几乎每天早上都有讲故事,一般是在家带孩子的妈妈小孩来听,每次都有不少小孩。成人部专门还有个安静的阅览室,供不想被人打扰的学习的人用。
    最近经常去图书馆安静的阅览室看书, 发现去图书馆看书的人还真不少,去晚点还占不到好位置了。去图书馆看书的人看什么的都有,SAT, GMAT, EPA, 上星期还发现有个跟我一样准备USMLE的,不过她好像不知在准备step 2还是step 3。

八卦 DR. Goljan

八卦 DR. Goljan

2010-08-16 11:25
  From  MITBBS
发信人: littlecruise (小麦), 信区: MedicalCareer
标  题: House and Goljan
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jul 31 12:09:11 2010, 美东)

突然觉得house and Goljan非常像, 他们那种超呼常人的sharpness, 有点mean又非常

发信人: Medmaomier (麦地猫咪儿), 信区: MedicalCareer
标  题: Re: House and Goljan
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jul 31 22:28:04 2010, 美东)

伟大的goljan在他的audio中提到:他的智商只有110,正常人而已。他的sharpness 是
在长期board review中积累起来的,要知道人家从1953年开始,已经半个世纪了,估计


吗?goljan也是把这种board review当成了一种生活方式,不断的重复中却不会感觉冗
发信人: qinghai07 (笨,也要活着), 信区: MedicalCareer
标  题: Re: House and Goljan
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jul 31 22:39:34 2010, 美东)

发信人: littlecruise (小麦), 信区: MedicalCareer
标  题: Re: House and Goljan
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug  1 00:54:59 2010, 美东)

关于Goljan的八卦, all from audio:他自己以前得过ALS,竟然奇迹般地治好了。他
老婆有anorexia nervosa, 妈妈好象有normal pressure hydrocephalus, his 
grandson has physiological jaundice. 他喜欢spit,所以听课别坐前排,他遇见big
发信人: daisyy (Daisy), 信区: MedicalCareer
标  题: Re: House and Goljan
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug  1 01:48:24 2010, 美东)

现在在看Lionel Raymon 的pharmacology video. Lionel也是牛人,看了他讲的
biochemistry和pharmacology,都非常好。讲课是什么physiology, biochemistry,
pathology, pharmacology的东西都能串起来讲。据说kaplan live授课,他除了
behaviarol sciences之外其他课都可以讲。有人上过他讲的pathology,据说也讲得很
发信人: Medmaomier (麦地猫咪儿), 信区: MedicalCareer
标  题: Re: House and Goljan
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug  1 10:06:36 2010, 美东)

haha, just realized the house is not the house I referred...:)
发信人: littlecruise (小麦), 信区: MedicalCareer
标  题: Re: House and Goljan
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug  1 12:38:42 2010, 美东)

也是第一次听别人叫Dr. House 房子,我还觉得是个不错的nickname.
发信人: daisyy (Daisy), 信区: MedicalCareer
标  题: Re: House and Goljan
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug 15 21:01:23 2010, 美东)

刚刚开始听Goljan's audio. 伟大的Goljan 同志说他自己有ADD,我听了后狂笑不止,

发信人: chihpengc (Pollux), 信区: MedicalCareer
标  题: Re: House and Goljan
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug 15 23:02:58 2010, 美东)

Dr. Edward F. Goljan - sometimes referred to as The father of USMLE 
I like to think of it this way, he's not only the ABC of pathology, but also
the DEFG of pathology! Dr. Edward F. Goljan! You rock!

Here are a few weird/useless/crazy facts about him:
And believe it or not, these I learnt from his lectures !! (Imagine how much
he loves goin astray! But we don't mind it, do we!)

*He was born in Brooklyn.
*He has ADHD! and so does his son, Keith.
*He also has BPH.
*His wife had anorexia nervosa
*He has acanthosis nigracans in his axilla!! (Eeew! Yes he says that!)
*His daughter once had infectious mononucleosis. She stays in Colorado.
*His sister lives on Huntington street, Brooklyn, NY. And she has a typical 
brooklyn accent.
*His mother-in-law died of multiple myeloma.
*He was posted as medicine resident at Tampa Bay. The very first day he had 
two patients of cardiorespiratory arrest. And both lived!!
*He's good friends with Dr Stanley Passo (Physiology; reinforces concepts 
taught by him), Dr. Barbara Hansen (Biochemistry; says she's the best, and 
yes she actaully is! I luv her too! Heck she deserves a fan club of her own!
) & Dr Anthony Trevor (Pharmacology; Of Katzung & Trevor fame! Pulls his leg
a lot! Says his british accent is fake! And that when Trevor says he's from
England, he means England, Arkansas!)
*When in Italy, he was involved in a faux pas regarding the Italian accent, 
and his wife called him an idiot and a jerk! And also "kicked his butt"!
*He thinks the British never order for any investigations! All their 
diagnoses are purely based on physical examination!
*He loves Arnold Schwarzenegger
*He doesn't know what HGPRT stands for!!
*Ran with his friend, Bob, in the Boston Marathon and later when Bob was "
peeing" he saw the hemoglobinuria! (Man, this guy!! )
*Favorite phrases: "Stinkin'", "No way in God's green earth!", "I don't know
dork!", "Big time", "Think Cheap"

He is half Armenian and half Polish. People call him "Poppy". He graduated 
from Temple University Medical School in Philly, did his residency at 
Reading Hospital, PA. He had grade 3 internal hemorrhoid. He believes in 
miracles because he once had Lou Gehrig disease and was cured. His mother 
had villous polyps which turned out to be benign. She was also diagnosed 
with a hydrocephalus. His son Keith, sadly, passed away two years ago (
learned from somewhere else).

He also learned how to "let the gas out keeping the moist part in" because 
he's got Lactose intolerance. He does this 'letting" thing in public places 
thinking that he is by himself, and then makes fun at the faces women have 
who happen to be there at that time....
He makes fun at his doctor who does the rectal exam on him. Because he has 
trained his sphincter muscles so well, so he can keep the finger of the 
doctor for a long time without letting it go...
He eats the food after dropping it on the floor even the dog was there. He 
actually tries to get it from the floor faster before dog gets it. And then 
calls his wife a "giant bug"...
His daughter has had Gestational Diabates as many times as she was pregnant,
so she has to watch her sugar from now on, because in the long run if she 
doesn't it can turn into DM.
He likes Sturbacks coffee.
Also, he has very "nice" way of treating premature babies with insufficient 
surfactant. Especially those who's was born thru C-section. But the 
treatment should be done in the room with nobody there...

Knuckle knucke dimple knuckle vs knuckle knuckle dimple dimple... 

发信人: daisyy (Daisy), 信区: MedicalCareer
标  题: Re: House and Goljan
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug 15 23:17:47 2010, 美东)


发信人: daisyy (Daisy), 信区: MedicalCareer
标  题: Re: House and Goljan
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug 15 23:58:54 2010, 美东)

我还一直以为Dr. Goljan是印度人呢.他的last name以及他的长相,让我长时间误解
发信人: chihpengc (Pollux), 信区: MedicalCareer
标  题: Re: House and Goljan
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Aug 16 01:42:05 2010, 美东)

Did I mention he is also very good at arm wrestling? (Wow, I didn't realize 
he's 66 years old already!)
发信人: sunshadow (影), 信区: MedicalCareer
标  题: Re: House and Goljan
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Aug 16 03:29:05 2010, 美东)

More than 5 people believed i must have  ADD, including my advisor. 

ECFMG 收到186表了

ECFMG 收到186表了

2010-08-15 11:52

Rapid Review Pathology

Rapid Review Pathology

2010-08-11 11:27
    开始看Rapid Review Pathology。写得很好,Dr. Goljan和 Dr. Lionel Raymon一样,都是把好几科的知识都融汇贯通了。RRP虽然是病理,但是随处可以看到其他科的知识点,生理,生化,遗传,免疫,微生物,药理等等。FA上评价RRP‘Features detailed explanations of disease mechanisms. Integrates concepts across disciplines with a strong clinical orientation.'确实名副其实。
    还有不少彩图, 喜欢,是一本好书。